



















beauty as medicine

'Beauty as Medicine'

'Beauty as medicine'

Inspiration page

The power of Beauty as the sourse of inspiration.

Find out the deep transformational inner journey through out the eye of a photo camera.

'Strip the beauty of all the clichés and you will see the world shine in different colors,' Vladyslava

Follow the inspirational projects and the healing sessions, geristered in pictures.

Actual projects:

Actual projects:

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

As much as possible!!! An then to play with this white treasure. Still leveling up and even finding interesting stories it is telling us.

If you hear the word 'Beauty', what are you thinking at first, a Feminine or a Masculine?

Find out what is truth bij following a healing session via a photo camera in my hands.

Do you like to experience the healing session via the Beauty and to get your own unique pictures from this transformative journey?

beauty as medicine
schoonheid project

Folow these projects also on Instagram

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